Supergeo SuperGIS Server

  • Category: Supergeo
  • Product Code: Supergeo SuperGIS Server

Building a GIS Website without Coding

It’s not a dream but a reality. The brand-new Web Mapper tool helps GIS beginners design their mapping websites, select needed widgets, and adjust layouts without writing codes. Experienced users can build up multiple sites even more rapidly.

A System Benefits the Whole Organization

SuperGIS Server is designed for enterprises to share, manage, and integrate various GIS services. Large amounts of spatial data, images, as well as geo-processes, can be shared via the Internet, improving the quality of decision-making and overall efficiency of an organization.


Bring GIS to Everywhere


SuperGIS Server can distribute GIS services to multiple client apps, including SuperGIS Desktop, SuperPad, SuperSurv, and web applications. You can access the GIS services everywhere and boost the productivity in the field.


Share and Integrate with Ease


SuperGIS Server grants you not only the ability to share but also the tools to integrate GIS services seamlessly from different providers. Whether these services are published as OGC standards like WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS, and KML, or as text files like CSV and GeoJSON, SuperGIS Server JavaScript API provides simple ways to integrate them into your web applications.


More than a Just Web Map


Depending on the needs, you can optionally add more extensions to SuperGIS Server to analyze spatial patterns more precisely, including Spatial Analyst, Topology Analyst, or the distinct Biodiversity Analyst.
